Sunday, January 12, 2014

Shop my AVON store!

Shop my AVON store!: Here's a sneak peak at some of the latest products available at Avon. Be sure to click

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dr. Scholl's For her Cozy Cushions (tips and tricks)

I received Dr.Scholl's For Her Cozy Cushions, and suddenly, I have a LOT more comfy winter shoes to choose from.

Here are some tips that might be helpful.

1) Find a pair of shoes that is not tight!  Shoes or boots actually.  The cushions are really fluffy so you'll need the extra space

2) Trim them to the right size~

3) Walk around with them for a bit before deciding if they're right for your shoe

4) Enjoy!

received this product complimentary from Influenster and I am so very happy that I did.   It's great!

Love with Food Review!

I was offered the chance to review Love With Food!

First thing I tried was this.  It tasted great, and was surprisingly filling!  I'm not even a cranberry fan, but I thought the Cranberry Almond energy bar was great.

This gum was good too!  Both the kids and I liked it. (shh,I shouldn't give children who are that small any gum, but it's better for you than normal gum!)

These were sticky, but really, really good!  I'm surprised that I liked them.  They are paleo and gluten and everything else free but they were still good!  And very moist.

Not really sure what to do with these, but they are kind of like clear apple cider vinegar pearls.  The flavor isn't strong enough to really use them for much.

These coconut flakes proved very popular with the kids! (I'm not a coconut fan!)

These were the best thing in the box.  I want more!  They choc-lately waffle type cookies and were gone almost as soon as I opened the bag.

I gave this pouch to my 3 year old and she loved it, but kids seem to generally like things out of pouches.

This is the card that came with the box.

Here is the box when I opened it.

And here is the original box!